Hourly Consulting
In addition to my full service package, I offer a pay-per-hour agreement. This is not continuous doula support, but rather an opportunity for you to ask questions and seek help during your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Hourly consulting is a great option for families who desire access to my knowledge and expertise, but are on a limited budget. It is also a good option for families who have gone through pregnancy and childbirth before, and are looking for a doula to have on standby for questions or advice. Within the hourly agreement, I work as an Independent Contractor to help you navigate your childbirth experience. I have two separate price points to serve you in your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
For $35 per hour, you can schedule calls with me in the prenatal or postpartum period to give you an opportunity to ask me questions. These calls can also be more structured, wherein I present specific information to you (for example, pain coping techniques, speaking to hospital staff, or breastfeeding support).
For $60 per hour, you get 24/7 immediate access to me during labor, birth, and postpartum to ask any questions regarding labor progress, birth options, or postpartum assistance. I can offer you evidence-based and anecdotal advice regarding your care, emotional support, encouragement, and tips on how to cope with labor. Please remember that I do not make any medical decisions on your behalf.