Laid Back Breastfeeding. To some moms, that can sound like a misnomer. Breastfeeding can be very difficult for some mothers and babies, especially in the beginning weeks...
Read moreBirth: The Science of Pushing
We’ve all seen the TV shows and movies where women are giving birth. The water breaks...and all hell breaks loose. There’s generally lots of yelling, panic, and terror. It’s what we’ve come to expect, right? No wonder women are afraid of giving birth. Who wouldn’t be? But is the media’s portrayal of childbirth truly realistic? Does birth have to be so out of control?...
Read moreInformed Consent During Childbirth
Picture this scenario with me: You’re nearing the end of your pregnancy. You’ve spent most of your mental energy over the last months thinking about what you want out of your birth. You’ve planned and prepped; you’ve shopped and read. You’ve talked to friends and family who have been through childbirth and you’ve hired a doula to help you with pain management and emotional support. You’re all set! But are you really?...
Read more6 Steps To A Successful VBAC
The good news is that VBAC is slowly becoming more widely accepted in medical maternity care. And you have the ability and right to find a care provider and birth setting that are supportive of your desires to birth vaginally after a cesarean. If you’ve had a cesarean and you’re wanting to increase your chances of having a successful vaginal birth in the future, then read on...
Read moreFive Tips From a Doula: What Every Dad Needs To Support His Partner
Dads have needs, too. There, I said it...because it’s true! Sure, they may not be as great as the mother’s need to push out a human. But Dads truly have a need to be supportive of their partners in labor. All Dads feel a need to protect their partners; to create safety. But when Dads try to control situations in birth that are out of their control or aren’t their decision to make in the first place, they can get into trouble. That isn’t to say he can’t still protect, because he can...
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